Hey everyone! So you may already know from my social medias however I've now gone self-hosted and I'm over at LuxeKate.com where I'll be carrying on from this blog but in my own style! All of my posts on this blog are all on LuxeKate.com as although my posts from last year are truly dreadful, I'm one of those people who can never delete...

I absolutely love a jacket, I can never say no to a new jacket especially in this season where a jacket is a necessity for any outfit. And where else would I be buying my autumn/winter jacket from than Zara?! If you're on the hunt for a jacket I'd definitely look on Zara, although they can seem pricey it's definitely worth it as...

I'm sure most of you will know from all my other posts featuring a lip product, I love a nude shade and I always reach for my typical nude shades because you can never go wrong! But my aim for this season is to wear a darker lip more as I always see others pulling off a dark lip and if you're going...